Can smartwatches detect health problems?

smartwatches - Can smartwatches detect health problems?

I am usually suspicious whenever something new is introduced into my life. For example, it took me a while to realise how fun it is to play online bingo with Sun Bingo Bonus Code instead of playing it like I used to. When smartwatches became popular, I was again suspicious, but now I love my Apple Watch. It tells me how many steps I’ve taken, how much water I’ve consumed, and even the weather forecast. But what if this smartwatch could detect serious health problems?

The FDA is regulating the first smartwatch that can screen for life-threatening conditions

black smartwatch 300x288 - Can smartwatches detect health problems?The FDA approved the first smartwatch that can screen for life-threatening conditions. The device will alert users if it detects an irregular heartbeat or high blood pressure.

It’s important to note that this is not a medical device but rather a diagnostic device that’s used in conjunction with your physician. It does not replace regular doctor visits or medical tests, nor does it diagnose or treat any disease or health condition; instead, the watch detects certain conditions and alerts users to follow up with their doctors as needed.

It’s the same kind of device that measures blood pressure, but attaches to the wrist

It’s also called an ambulatory monitoring system, and it’s used in hospitals to monitor people’s heart rhythms.

The cuff is wrapped around your upper arm and inflated with air; this compresses your brachial artery, which is located just below your elbow. As the cuff deflates, a sensor measures how quickly blood returns to you (your pulse). This can be used to determine if there are any irregularities with your heart rate—such as atrial fibrillation (AFib), when abnormal electrical signals travel through an irregular rhythm within the upper chambers of your heart known as atria.

It will monitor heart rhythms and detect atrial fibrillation

woman smartwatch 200x300 - Can smartwatches detect health problems?Atrial fibrillation is a common condition affecting about 2 million people in the US. It’s usually diagnosed with an electrocardiogram (ECG). However, doctors often find AF difficult to detect because its symptoms can be subtle or mistaken for something else. The Apple Watch has been shown to be 97 percent accurate at detecting AF when used properly by patients who have been diagnosed with the condition previously.

Smartwatches may also be able to help people with irregular heart rhythms called arrhythmias, which are often caused by underlying heart conditions like cardiomyopathy and coronary artery disease (CAD). A wearable device could alert patients when their heart rate becomes too slow or too fast, allowing them to seek medical treatment before any serious damage occurs.


It’s exciting to see the smartwatch evolve from a simple fitness tracker into an actual medical device. The FDA is taking its time approving devices, which means we may not see many more of these for some time. However, this first approval could be a sign that other companies will eventually follow suit and bring us even more innovative devices in years to come!